Artist— Jed C.
this is a short documentation of the artwork titled “The Buddha” dedicated to my mom’s amazing artistic talent
"Amidst the chaos and limited resources, I found inspiration in Tibetan culture's vibrant colours. Rejecting black and white, I sought to capture the harmony within chaos and express my yearning for personal peace.
The profound connection with The Buddha guided my exploration of inner light, wisdom, and tranquillity.”
( Buddha )
The Tibetan word for Buddha is sang gyay (pronounced "song gyay"). When we look at the etymology for this word, we see that it is closely related to the word for enlightenment. Sang means "awakened" (as from the sleep of ignorance) or "purified" (as in purified of all obscurations). Gyay means "expanded, blossomed, fully developed."
The two syllables combine to mean "one such as Shakyamuni Buddha, who has purified all the obscurations (sang) and who has developed fully all the qualities of enlightenment (gyay).
Source: www.tibetanlanguage.org
Embrace inner peace and find solace within ourselves
— Buddha (The Awaken One)
I deeply resonated with The Buddha as I yearned for personal peace and tranquillity.
I didn't feel right using black and white to symbolise tuning the chaos out.
Painted with poster paint colours details done with fine markers
The Buddha" serves as a reminder to embrace inner peace and find solace within ourselves
The most common colour of the Khata is white to signify the purity of the intention of the offerer, with no negative thoughts or motives behind it.
Butter lamps
The offering of butter lamp is the offering of wisdom and light of knowledge to eradicate darkness or ignorance. It has a crucial place in Bhutan's daily rituals.
The physical darkness symbolizes the inner darkness of ignorance and the butter lamp symbolizes the inner light of wisdom and knowledge.
Buddha’s curls
The statues and paintings portray the Buddha as having short, tight ringlet curls. As hair is often used as a metaphor for human beings'’ illusion or ignorance, cutting the hairs implies symbolically getting rid of ignorance.